Proposition No. 7: Study Various Extent of Direct Democracy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Author: George Sagi, Submitted on: 26 Mar 2001 To be discussed till: No date, ongoing topic ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A person not willing to identify him/herself (; that the idea of "direct democracy (DD)... is absurd," How would hi/she would know? Herefers to some townhall meetings that ended up in witch trials. That of course was not direct democracy. There are various ideas, some expressed vaguely via a short email. Others have written books about what they think DD should function. You can study the more serious publications by downloading my book from this web-site--free of charge. It gives you references. Our links are also connect you to Web-sites that gives you various interpretations of DD. It will be up to you to decide which could work in a truly democratic manner. Openly: George