Submissions to DDemocracy Meeting Place
Anything related to the improvement of democracy and/or its expansion towards greater participation of all citizens is welcome here. Anything else would be considered a misuse of this site.
    Type below an optional description of the web site being added, OR your submission to the Message Board. To start a new line, type <br> before its beginning. (Other HTML tags will be accepted, too.)
Select 1. or 2. (by clicking on the adjacent circle), and fill in the relevant fields:
1. Submit a new DD related link to the New Additions Page
2. Submit an announcement, suggestion or comment to the Message Board
Title of link or announcement:
Your name:
Your e-mail:
(Enter your e-mail address literally, with the '@' character, it will be scrambled automatically before being posted on the web.)
Confirmation code:
You will need to recognize the text in this image.
Spam protection: Please enter the confirmation code from the above image (preserve case of letters):