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After discussing a specific topic, you may initiate a proposition, using the form at the bottom of this page, so that others may vote on it. When you have an overwhelming support you are ready to ask for the implementation of the majority's decision in an appropriate form.

Our aim is to influence the policy-makers,
at any and all levels,
so as to carry out the wishes of the citizens.

This may be in the form of citizen's "Initiative and Referendum" (I & R), by submitting the results of our votes to the appropriate authority, be it either a City Council or the Provincial or the Federal Government. Or you may want to initiate another program to help a deprived segment of society. Below, we listed some suggestions for discussions. You can discuss some or all of these or you can start "discussions" on other subjects. When your proposals have gained substantial support during discussions, you can place them for a review and subsequent voting as formal "Propositions".

of the subjects of discussions which could become 'Propositions'.
    Discuss how we can:        
  • Provide a place where we can feed and educate hungry kids, so that they will be taken off the street.
  • Help the Homeless - low-cost housing - self-help programs.
  • Find supporters for specific measures to improve health care.
  • Help to identify unrecognized mentally ill persons that have been wrongfully jailed, and help them get psychiatric help.
  • Start a project to clean up river banks.
  • Find beneficial uses for historical buildings which are in good shape, instead of the public having to pay for the upkeep of empty spaces.
  • Find innovative methods to reduce the number of School Boards.
  • Find unpaid volunteers for School trustees, so that we can reduce realty taxes.
  • Initiate a referendum to stop urban sprawl and decay of the core area of the city.
  • Organize a demonstration for a just cause.
  • Find supporters for Direct Democracy to help you run in elections.
  • Initiate recalling an unworthy representative.
  • Start a fundraising campaign for any of such worthy projects.

    Specific example
    of the wording of a proposition that can be voted on by YES, NO, or UNSURE votes.

    TITLE OF PROPOSITION: We the members of PDDA request City Council to stop rezoning undeveloped land and rezone for renewal large derelict and neglected core areas.


    (Suggested extent is about 800 words. Explain the aim or goal of your proposition,and the methods by which it may be accomplished. Specify whether it concerns Winnipeg, Province or the Federal level. Include the question to be asked in the poll, and the set of answers to choose from.)

    Submission of the propositions in the way described below has been closed.
    The list of all propositons received previously.
    Right now, any suggestions or comments can instead be submitted here.

    To make a proposition, the following form was used:
    Upon clicking on the Submit button, the proposition was mailed to the members of the group for discussion, and the intention was to post it eventually on our voting page. The "End Date" would be the suggested closing date for the discussion on your proposition. After this date the proposition (possibly modified in the process of discussion) would be formally put to vote.

    Title of the Proposition:
    End Date:
    Your name:
    Your email:
    Text of the proposition:

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