
Archived: Old Home | Discussion | Propositions | Voting | Facilitators | Mission | Publications | Links

Number of all visits to PDDA new pages since May 12, 2002:
(Current Home page was created on May 15, 2005;
the "Old home" page was the "new" home page before that.)
PageVisits  Additional reloads
Home  3547  976
Publications  180  106
Old home  1757  817
Discussion  243  86
Propositions  1037  179
Voting  174  92
Mission  202  67
Facilitators  334  171
Publications  851  366
Links  457  314
In all our counts the consecutive hits to the same page by the same visitor (defined as coming from the same URL using the same browser) are counted as a single visit (second column). The third column is the cumulative number of such additional hits (repeated reloads of a page by a visitor).

Before that, the home page only of the PDDA old web site was visited by 2595 visitors from Dec. 6, 1999 to Sept. 24, 2000 (and there were 424 additional reloads).